Dominique Zygmont
Partner, M.A. HSG
Practical Work
- Management and running the offices of associations and companies.
- Efficient association work at the interface between business, politics and society.
- Current mandates: City Vereinigung Zürich, Mietervereinigung Einkaufszentrum ShopVille-Hauptbahnhof Zürich, City Parkhaus AG, PLS Parkleitsystem Zürich AG, Interkantonale Legislativkonferenz (ILK)
- Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in NPO Management & Law, Universität Basel (2021)
- M.A. HSG in International Affairs and Governance, Universität St.Gallen (2007)
- B.A. HSG in International Affairs, Universität St.Gallen (2005)
- Communicator FH, Journalism and Organizational Communication, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur (2003)